While every effort has been made to ensure the information in this Manual is as up to date and as accurate as possible, the law, policy and practice and the service environment affecting mental health and human services sectors is complex and dynamic.
Readers are advised to seek expert advice when faced with specific problems. This Manual is intended as a guide to the law, policy and service system structure and should not be used as a substitute for legal, medical or other relevant advice.
The Manual provides information and resources from relevant agencies and organisations working across mental health and psychosocial disabilityPsychosocial disability is not about a diagnosis, it refers to the social and economic consequences related to living with a mental health condition. It is a recognised term used to describe the challenges, or limits, a person experiences in life that are related to their mental health condition. Not everyone living with a mental health condition has a psychosocial disability. More. The information contained within the Manual (5th Edition) was checked up to 30 June 2021. However, the Manual was updated between October 2019 and June 2021. Later or earlier dates indicate when an update has occurred in a section.
The Manual is a living document and updates post 30 June 2021, will be reflected in a section as updates are provided.
The Mental Health Coordinating Council takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of this Manual or any action taken based on the contents of this Manual.
Updated June 30, 2021