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Common acronyms

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ABI Acquired Brain Injury
ABF Activity Based Funding
ACI Agency for Clinical Innovation
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
BH Boarding House
CID Council Intellectual Disability
CJS Criminal Justice System
CMH Community Mental Health
CMO Community Managed Organisation
COPMI Children of Parents with Mental Illness
COAG Council of Australian Governments
DCJ Department of Communities and Justice
FaCS Department of Family and Community Services
GD Guardianship Division (NCAT)
ID Intellectual Disability
ILC Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (formerly Tier 2 NDIS)
IPHA Independent Hospital Pricing Authority
ISC Industry Skills Council
ISP Integrated Services Program
JH Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network
LAC Local Area Coordinator (NDIS)
LGA Local Government Area
LHD Local Health District
MHA Mental Health Australia
MHA Mental Health Act 2007 (NSW)
MHAS Mental Health Advocacy Service (Legal Aid)
MHC Mental Health Commission of NSW
MHCC Mental Health Coordinating Council
MHB Mental Health Branch
MHPN Mental Health Professionals Network
MHRM The NSW Mental Health Rights Manual
MHRT Mental Health Review Tribunal NSW
MoH Ministry of Health
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NADA Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agency
NDAP National Disability Advocacy Program
NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme
NDIA National Disability Insurance Agency
NDS National Disability Service
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NMHS National Mental Health Standards
NMHSPF National Mental Health Service Planning Framework
NMHC National Mental Health Commission
T&G NSW Trustee and Guardian – Public Guardian
OV Official Visitor
P4H Partnerships for Health
PHaMS Personal Helpers and Mentors
PHNs Primary Health Networks
PIR Partners in Recovery
PC Productivity Commission
Q&SC NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission
OPMHS Older Persons Mental Health Service
RANZCP Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychology
SDM Supported Decision Making
SIL Supported Independent Living
TICP Trauma-informed Care & Practice
TOR Terms of Reference
UNCRPD United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
VET Vocational Education Training
WDO Work and Development Order
WHS Work Health and Safety