If a person with a mental illness or mental disorder is unable to manage their own financial affairs the NSW Trustee and Guardian Act 2009 allows for a Financial Management Order (FMO) to be made. The Mental Health Review Tribunal is one of the bodies with the power to make FMOs for management of part of or the whole of an estate. FMOs can also be made by the Supreme Court and the Guardianship Division of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). When the Mental Health Review Tribunal makes a FMO, it appoints the NSW Trustee to manage the financial affairs of the person. The NSW Trustee manages the property, business and financial interests in close consultation with the person, and if appropriate, his or her nominated friend, relative, guardian or designated carer or principal care provider. The actual day to day management of the person’s affairs is undertaken by staff who work for the NSW Trustee.